Certis, empresa constructora

AtrapaKM Solidarity Donation for the benefit of the Food Bank

This Tuesday, Certis attended the delivery ceremony of the €10,744 raised in the charity run hastagATRAPAKM2024 and destined for the Banc dels Aliments de Barcelona Foundation, held at the College of Technical Architecture in Barcelona, ​​which promote this initiative. For Certis, it is a matter of pride that our workers have participated, since with the efforts of all they have managed to cover more than 54,000 kilometers, whether by bicycle, walking or doing sport, in short, for a good cause.

The event was attended by the director of the Banc dels Aliments, Elisabet Viladomiu Marnet, the president of the Board of Trustees, Lluís Fatjó-Vilas, and on behalf of CATEB, the president of the College of Engineers and Technical Architects of Barcelona , Celesti Ventura, along with the entire organizing team.

From Certis, we want to thank the delegate of Osona and Moianès, David Mercader Carrera, for motivating us to participate in this race, which goes beyond the competition, as it supports the fight against food poverty throughout Catalonia

Sponsors: COTS and CLARET, HERCAL DIGGERS S.L. , REHATEC, TRANSPARENTA Integral Water Cycle, Escalauvint Construction, Siscol Geotècnia and Certis, construction company.

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